Instructions to Authors. Manuscript preparation guidelines

  1. The following documents must be attached to the submitted manuscript:

- a cover letter from the author addressed to the editor-in-chief of the journal, confirming that the article has not been published anywhere else,

- expert evaluation of the organization where the manuscript comes from on the possibility of open publication.

If a positive decision is made to publish the manuscript in the journal, the author must submit to the editor a signed version of the manuscript (or its scan), after which a license (author's) agreement is concluded with the author.

  1. All manuscripts submitted to the journal are checked for plagiarism. Articles containing less than 75% of the original text are not accepted for publication in the journal (verification of the uniqueness of the text is carried out without taking into account metadata and bibliographic list).
  2. Manuscripts corresponding to the subject matter of the journal undergo a double-blind peer review procedure for the purpose of their expert evaluation. The reviewers are recognized experts in the subject matter of the reviewed material. The reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years.
  3. Article format requirements

The file format for the text is Microsoft Word (* .docx). The file name must include the surname and initials of the author of the article (for example Ivanov_AA.doc) Articles containing formulas, in addition to the word file, must be duplicated with a pdf file in order to avoid distorting the formulas that should be typed in Microsoft Equation or MathType.

The article should be no less than 5 and no more than 15 pages (not including the reference list). Use 12 pt Times New Roman, single line spacing, paragraph 0.5 cm. Page margins: top 20 mm, bottom 20 mm, left 20

mm, right 20 mm.

All graphic objects must be submitted in separate files: one figure - one graphic format file. Raster images (photos) are submitted in JPG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Each figure should be placed in the text and accompanied by a numbered figure caption. References to figures in the text are required.

Tables should be placed in the text of the article, they should have a numbering, heading and clearly marked columns, convenient and easy to read. References to tables in the text are required.

The volume of illustrative materials (tables and graphic materials) should not exceed 1/3 of the total volume of the manuscript.

The list of references (at least 10 sources) should contain links to current scientific works of national and foreign specialists. Self-citations should not exceed 30% of the total number of links.

The numbering of the sources used in the list is given in the order of the sequence of references. All sources should be referenced in the text of the article in square brackets. The list should not contain "unauthorized" sources (SP, SNiPs, GOSTs, etc.) - links to them are given directly in the text of the article.

The list of references in Russian must be drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.100–2018.


  1. The manuscript of the article should include:

1) UDC index;

2) title of the article in Russian;

3) initials and surname of the author in Russian (if there are several authors, and they work in different organizations, then a superscript (1, 2, etc.) is put after the surname, corresponding to the organization which the manuscript comes from, indicated below under the same number, followed by the city and country. If there is one author or all authors work in one organization, then the superscripts are not used);

4) abstract in Russian (the abstract should be consistent with the structure and content of the article. It should indicate the scientific problem and the purpose of the article, give information about the object and the sequence of research steps, give the results and indicate the practical significance and prospects of research. The abstract shouldn't contain references to literature and little-known abbreviations);

5) keywords in Russian (up to 10 words and (or) phrases);

Items 2-5 must be duplicated below in English

6) main text of the article in the original language;

7) references in Russian;

8) information about the authors: full name, position, academic degree, title, place of work, telephone, ORCID, e-mail - in Russian and English.


  1. The structure of the main body of the article should include the following sections, according to the IMRAD structure: introduction, materials and methods of research, experimental part/experiment, results and discussion, conclusions, applications.

- Introduction. It includes the relevance of the research, literature review on the research topic, problem statement, formulation of the goal and objectives of the research.

- Materials and methods of research. This section includes a detailed description of the methods and schemes of experiments/observations that make it possible to reproduce their results using only the text of the article, as well as materials, devices, equipment, and other conditions for conducting experiments/observations.

- Experimental part/experiment. It is an optional section. It may include detailed information about the stages of the experiment, including graphic materials for the most complete disclosure of the methodology and conditions of the experiment.

- Results and discussion . It is recommended to present the results mainly in the form of tables, graphs, and other visual forms. This section includes the analysis of the results obtained, their interpretation, comparison with the results of other authors. It contains the interpretation of the obtained research results, limitations of research and generalization of its results, suggestions for practical application, suggestions for future research.

- Conclusions. Here the results of the research are summed up. Conclusions summarize the main scientific results of the article. Conclusions should logically correspond to the objectives set at the beginning of the article, contain brief summaries of the sections of the article without repeating the formulations given in them.

- Applications. It is an optional section. It may include information about grant support under which the research was carried out, and also gratitude to other scientists and/or enterprises who contributed to the implementation of the research.


  1. The manuscript, admitted for publication, goes through the prepress process adopted by the editors, including editing, proofreading, and layout.


  1. Corrected articles will not be provided to authors. Manuscripts that do not meet the listed requirements will not be accepted for consideration and will not be returned to authors.


  1. There is no fee for the publication of manuscripts.

Reprinting of materials or their fragments is possible only with the written permission of the publisher. A link to the scientific and reference journal "Architecture, Construction, Transport" is required!

All submitted materials are checked in the system "ANTIPLAGIAT", as well as checking for compliance with the formal requirements and for compliance with the theme of the journal. After successful completion of these stages, the article is sent for reviewing (the period of reviewing is from 2 to 4 weeks, in some cases the terms are determined individually with the author and the reviewer). You can read more about reviewing in the section Principles of reviewing.