No. 2 (2024): Architecture, Construction, Transport

No. 2 (2024): Architecture, Construction, Transport
Published: 2024-07-02



Mariia A. Ogneva, Valeriy N. Kulachkovskiy

Current architectural environment mostly accounts for the interests of its neurotypical users, which do not correspond with the needs of people with neurodiversity. The relevance of using certain architectural solutions for autistic people is based on their sensitivity to external stimuli, as well as
statistics with increased rates of autism diagnoses. After analyzing theoretical works of foreign researchers and architects, and taking into account modern architectural solutions for people with autism spectrum disorder, we developed a model of architectural and spatial guidelines. It was based on five types of interaction between the autistic person and space: sense of self in personal space; sense of self in public space; perception of space around self; sensory sense of space; and sensory overload. The model considers the relationship between the person and the space, and prioritizes approaches to autism-friendly design such as differentiation, zoning, gradation, linking the external and internal environment, and specific architectural solutions. This design approach will adapt autistic people to interact with the environment in future, and may have a positive impact on the other user groups through "the curb-cut effect" (a phenomenon when solutions aimed at transforming the living conditions of a specific vulnerable user group help society as a whole). The model can be applied as a guide in architectural design and can also be used for future theoretical research.



Alexandra S. Gulbinas, Larisa V. Belova

The study focuses on the concept development of the architectural and structural design of intelligent (smart) buildings, which have been of increasing research interest in recent years. The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that smart building was an evolution of green building. Evolutionary approach, single-level and two-level triadic decoding of system-categorial methodology, general scientific and graphic methods helped us to solve the following tasks: 1) to identify the components of the "intellectual building" definition content and reflecting its essential features; 2) to structure the main components (engineering and technical equipment, personification of space, environmental friendliness and resource saving) in the sequence of their formation in the object. The definition and structuring of the main components of an intelligent building by the method of triadic decoding allowed us to expand the idea of its essence, gave a better insight into the conceptual foundations of architectural and construction design of intelligent buildings and outlined the preconditions for its further development.



Mikhail Yu. Troshin, Andrei V. Turkov, Aleksey V. Zaev

The study examines the effect of the transverse and longitudinal layers thickness of a three-layer CLT panel on the deformations and distribution of the resulting tensile and compressive normal stresses in the layers. Due to the current lack of a unified methodology for the calculation of multilayer materials with orthotropic properties in layers at present, we carried out the study with the SCAD+ computing complex using the finite element method. The studied model was a composite orthotropic plate. The authors obtained, systematized and clearly showed the dependences of the values of the maximum deflection and normal stresses on the thickness variation of transverse and longitudinal lamellae in a three-layer CLT panel under different boundary conditions. As a result of the study, we found that the greatest influence on the deflection and normal stresses along the span was caused by the longitudinal slab layers. The results provide a better insight into the relationship between deformability and stress distributions and the variation of transverse and longitudinal layer thicknesses. The obtained patterns can be used in the design of building structures using CLT panel. 



Aleksandr P. Malyshkin, Andrei V. Esipov, Mixail A. Esipov

The aim of the numerical research was to develop a method to improve the reliability of multistorey buildings with monolithic reinforced concrete frames. The method was based on the analysis of the total area of possible slab destruction due to emergencies and failure of individual building elements located in different places in the plan and in height. To analyze the reliability of spatial reinforced concrete frames according to the principle of single failure of a separate load-bearing structure, we introduced the concept of failure area coefficient. It allowed us to estimate the failure effect of a load-bearing key element of the building on the total failure area of the building slabs. In spatial frame structures of multistorey buildings with reinforced concrete frame, the key elements of the structural system are columns, pylons, collars, beams and other elements that ensure the overall stability of the building. Increasing the overall reliability of the frame building suggest the introducing an additional reliability coefficient of survivability depending on the failure area factor. In addition, we proposed an algorithm for analyzing
and rejection of unsuccessful structural systems of monolithic reinforced concrete frame buildings based on the evaluation of excessively high ratios of building failure area. We analyzed the structural systems on the example of two constructed multistorey residential and public buildings with monolithic reinforced concrete frames. 



Tatiana S. Zhilina, Maria N. Sabukevich, Dang Vu Dinh, Janaka Wijesundara

The authors consider the problem of insufficient power of existing boiler houses and heat supply networks in large cities, which leads to overloads and accidents. Modernization of operation in heat supply system is aimed at improving energy efficiency, environmental safety and reliability of heat supply networks. The use of modern technologies provides a significant improvement in the operation of heat supply systems and makes the coolant more accessible and efficient for consumers. To ensure uninterrupted operation of heat supply facilities in residential areas and efficient operation of heat supply networks and heating mains in hard-to-reach areas with difficult terrain, the authors proposed to install or modernize booster pumping stations. Such stations help to keep the required parameters of the coolant and to provide heat consumers with quality coolant. The article discusses the operating principle of pumping stations and provides a functional diagram of process automation. Piezometric diagrams of preand post-installation of booster pumping stations allow us to speak about the positive effect of booster pumping stations modernization in the heat supply system. Thus, after reconstruction, the total capacity of pumping groups on the direct and return circuits increased by 1.33 times, the head in the system – by 1.12 times.


Seismic protection of buildings and structures using metamaterials: current status and development prospects

Vasilii A. Mitroshin

Due to the compaction of urban development and increase in its number of floors, the number of studies in the field of protection of buildings and structures from seismic waves is growing in the world, as the wave seismic front in the soil mass can lead to enormous destruction and mass casualties. The most common methods of seismic protection of buildings and structures in civil engineering today are constructive and territorial methods. The first method includes a set of structural measures, among of them an important place is occupied by the use of seismic isolators – special devices inserted into the foundation and reducing inertial seismic effects on building structures. The second way is the use of various barriers in the path of seismic wave propagation. In recent years, there has been a clear trend towards finding new approaches to territorial seismic protection. The analysis of academic databases revealed a large number of studies (mostly foreign) devoted to the development of ways to protect buildings and structures from wave action using various kinds of composite structures – metamaterials. Some researchers conditionally divide these methods into two groups: the first performs the tasks of masking, when the wave front deviates and wraps around the protected object, and the second creates an artificial shadow zone where seismic waves are damped without significantly affecting buildings and structures. Since the development of seismic metamaterials is still a new but certainly promising area of research for Russian science, the purpose of this review was to systematise the available data on the methods of effective protection of buildings and structures from wave impacts.



Alexander G. Zhulin, Larisa V. Belova, Pavel A. Semyonov

Various iron compounds in dissolved colloidal and complex forms can be found in the surface source water. Iron content in the water of the Tura depends on the time of year and changes from 0.12 to 3.8 mg/dm3. The variety of iron forms in river water depending on annual changes requires the application of relevant technologies for its elimination. Most iron compounds are removed by coagulation and, if complex compounds are present, by the use of oxidizing agents. Systematic analyses of qualitative indicators of the Tura water by the laboratory of Metelevsky water treatment plant of Metelevsky water intake made it possible to graph the dependences of iron quantitative values on water level (river flow rate), turbidity, colour, oxidation susceptibility and hydrogen pH. Since the forms of iron compounds in natural water affect the effective choice of water treatment technology for household and drinking water, the ratios of iron (II) and iron (III) in total iron in river water  depending on the value of redox (Eh) and hydrogen (pH) indices were determined for different periods of the year. The results of the study showed that during water treatment it is necessary to carry out aeration with the introduction of oxidizing agent. The objectives of the study were to identify the ratio of iron (II) and iron (III) in total iron in river water for different periods of a year in terms of Eh and pH values. The ratio of iron forms in natural water is important in the choice of water treatment technology for domestic and drinking purposes. The research showed that if total iron content in the Tura water was 0.67 mg/dm3 the amount of iron (II) was 60 percent and iron (III) was 40 percent.



Igor N. Drozdov, Andrey Yu. Popov

The paper presents the design of an experimental cutting tool feed drive based on a slider-crank mechanism. A feature of the technology of milling a regular waffle background pattern is the need for regular repetition of cells, usually rectangular shape. This requires the development of a tool feed mechanism that provides а high processing speed and a significant reduction in cutting forces to prevent deformation of the cell shape. The drive design presented in the work provides feed rate up to 43 m/min with cutting speed up to 942 m/min. This eliminates the exit of the mechanism out of the cell dimensions, as well as provides a significant reduction of cutting forces up to 10 N and removes the problem of using coolant (dry machining). This is a feature of the high-speed milling mode, when the feed rate and cutting speed are significantly higher than traditional ones, and the cutting depth does not exceed 1 mm. The productivity of this milling process is much higher than traditional milling modes and, in addition, it causes less heating of the part, as almost all the heat escapes with the chips. The practical significance of the development is the increase of productivity of the equipment for waffle background milling in fuel tanks from aluminium alloys due to the application of the high-speed drive based on the slider-crank mechanism. The authors offered to mount it instead of the standard spindle on large-sized milling gantry-type machines. This makes it possible to use the high-speed milling modes at cutting forces of several newtons for reducing the weight of the power and moving parts of the drive and increasing the feed rate.  


Development of mathematical model of oscillatory processes at turning of materials with reverse hardness distribution

Victor E. Ovsyannikov, Elena M. Kuznetsova, Roman Yu. Nekrasov, Snezhana Yu. Titskaja

For technological guarantee of the required quality indicators of the surface layer of metallic rotation body parts at finishing machining needs the correct assignment of technological modes. During finishing turning, vibrational processes have a significant (and often decisive) effect on the formation of surface roughness. It is necessary to choose such values of technological modes, which provide an acceptable level of vibration (previously it is advisable to solve this problem by modelling). Mathematical model was carried out based on the determination of the turning tool deformations under the influence of cutting forces. To determine the  amplitudes of the cutter oscillations, the Mohr integral was used, and the amplitude-frequency characteristics were determined using the Duhamel integral. Cutting forces were determined taking into account the shape and nature of chip formation, the value of technological modes and processing conditions. As the material to be machined, the authors considered the cast iron with a layer hardened by diffusion alloying. Determination of input data for model was carried out directly during machining on the lathe and with the help of measurements of chip parameters. As cutting tools, we used standard cutters with mechanically fastened plates. The evaluation of the modelling results showed high convergence with the experimental results: the error in amplitude was 8.5 percent, in oscillation frequency - 12.3 percent; in general, the error did not exceed 15 percent. Thus, the developed model can be used for preliminary vibration assessment at the design stage of turning operations. 
