
  • Artyom V. Bazanov Industrial University of Tyumen
  • Nikolay O. Sapozhenkov Industrial University of Tyumen
  • Ruslan B. Alykov Alliance Motors Tyumen LLC
  • Alexander I. Kozhederov Ugra State University




The operation of the rolling stock at transport enterprises is connected with the influence of many factors, and due to their analysis, it is possible to determine the optimal service life of rolling stock to increase the economic efficiency of transport processes. The scientific novelty of the research is represented by the results of experimental data statistical processing that can be used to count the studied patterns models’ parameters for various vehicles and for empirical equations for predicting operating costs based on actual data are established.
The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the improvement of technical and economic methods for optimizing the service life of rolling stock based on open information without carrying out resource tests and long-term observations. This makes it possible to assess the operating costs with a high degree of reliability, reasonably form preferences in vehicle configuration and rationally determine the period of effective use, taking into account the type of fuel and the dynamics of
changes in the secondary market residual value. 


optimization, service life, rolling stock, operating conditions, transport enterprise, equipment, dynamics of change in residual value, efficiency

About the authors:

Artyom V. Bazanov, Industrial University of Tyumen

Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Automotive and Technological Machinery Service

Nikolay O. Sapozhenkov, Industrial University of Tyumen

Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Automotive and Technological Machinery Service

Ruslan B. Alykov, Alliance Motors Tyumen LLC

Maintenance Trainer

Alexander I. Kozhederov, Ugra State University

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Construction and Transport Complexes

Статистика продаж Toyota Land Cruiser Prado по типам ДВС


How to Cite

OPTIMIZATION OF THE ROLLING STOCK SERVICE LIFE AT TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES / A.V. Bazanov, N.O. Sapozhenkov, R.B. Alykov, A.I. Kozhederov. – DOI 10.31660/2782-232X-2021-3-68-79 // Architecture, construction, transport. – 2021. – № 3. – P. 68-79.