Mechanical properties of cement composites reinforced with ceramic fiber




Reinforcing components and chemical additives are significant in modifying the structure of cement composites. Ceramic fibers, as a disperse-reinforcing component in cement systems, provide increased tensile strength in bending, crack resistance and durability of the material. The results of the research have revealed that such a concrete structure-forming component as ceramic mullite-silica fiber 0.02 to 0.06 mm across is rational to combine with a carboxylates-based chemical additive. Optimal dosages of mullite-silica fiber that influence the structure and physical-mechanical properties of the cement stone were determined. The method of scanning electron microscopy and spectral analysis was used to examine processes on the interface cement matrix – fiber. It has been underlined that fibers are covered by phase-forming hydrates due to structural and chemical correspondence. The use of ceramic fibers of high-temperature synthesis and water-reducing additive made it possible to increase the compressive strength of cement composites by 1.9 times compared to the control sample, as well as to improve the resistance of cement stone to destruction by increasing the bending tensile strength by 3.9 times and crack resistance by 2 times compared to the control composition. 


cement composites, superplasticizer, dispersed reinforcement, ceramic fiber, compressive strength, bending tensile strength, crack resistance

About the authors:

Galina A. Zimakova, Industrial University of Tyumen

Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor in the Department of
Building Materials

Elena A. Kasper, Industrial University of Tyumen

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Building Materials

Olga S. Bochkareva, Industrial University of Tyumen

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Building Materials

Fracture surface of cement stone from flexural tensile testing


How to Cite

Zimakova, G.A. Mechanical properties of cement composites reinforced with ceramic fiber / G.A. Zimakova, E.A. Kasper, O.S. Bochkareva. – DOI 10.31660/2782-232X-2024-4-44-54 // Architecture, construction, transport. – 2024. – № 4. – P. 44-54.