Architectural complex of Alexandrovskaya station, Saint Petersburg – Warsaw railway




This study is based on the author’s historical and cultural research into the architectural complex of railway stations between Saint Petersburg and Gatchina on the Saint Petersburg–Warsaw Railway. The research examined the history of Alexandrovskaya station’s  construction from 1852 to 1854, under the guidance of architect, Titular Counselor K. A. Skardzhinsky and responsible for work execution E. I. Gerstfeld during the construction of Tsarist Russia’s first international railway line. It also investigated the station’s subsequent reconstruction, destruction, and loss in the early 20th century. The research confirmed the principle of standardized design for railway facilities in terms of planning and spatial characteristics. To  determine the historical and cultural value of the research object, the composition of the station buildings along the section of railway under study was established, along with their priority and structural hierarchy within the complex. The study identified the stylistic features and principles that shaped the complex of Alexandrovskaya station, providing the basis for its inclusion on the list of identified cultural heritage sites.


Saint Petersburg–Warsaw Railway, standardized design of stations, architectural complex of the railroad, historical and cultural value

About the author:

Olesya O. Chainikova, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, The Peterhof State Museum-Reserve

Cand. Sci. (Architecture), Associate Professor in the Department of Architectural and Urban Planning Heritage

Deputy Head of the Restoration, Reconstruction and Overhaul Service

Facade of Alexandrovskaya station building


How to Cite

Chainikova, O.O. Architectural complex of Alexandrovskaya station, Saint Petersburg – Warsaw railway / O.O. Chainikova. – DOI 10.31660/2782-232X-2024-4-8-21 // Architecture, construction, transport. – 2024. – № 4. – P. 8-21.